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Our Mission

To Glorify, Enjoy and Serve God; Ministering Hope and the Love of Christ to the World.

At Stevenston High Kirk our Mission is to Glorify, Enjoy and Serve God; Ministering Hope and the Love of Christ To The World.  In fulfilling our Mission we seek to prioritise and honour God above all else, finding joy in His presence, and in doing His will to live a life that reflects His love and grace to the world.

This will involve actively sharing the hope and love we have found in Christ with others through acts of kindness, compassion, evangelism, and through missional focussed ministries. This requires a commitment to being a reflection of Christ's love in all areas of life, seeking opportunities to serve others, and sharing the Gospel message with those who have not yet heard it. Ultimately, living out this mission statement means being a faithful ambassador of Christ, sharing His love and message of salvation with the world.

Glorifying God involves recognising His greatness, power, and goodness and acknowledging His sovereignty over all creation. 

Enjoying God involves finding delight in His character, His word, and His creation. 

Serving God involves living out His commands and fulfilling His purposes, which include loving and serving others, spreading the gospel, and making disciples. 

Ministering Hope & The Love Of Christ To The World involves reaching out to those who are hurting, broken, and lost, and offering them the hope that can be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ministering hope and love also means meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of others, just as Jesus did during His earthly ministry. This can be done through acts of service, kindness, and generosity, as well as through sharing the gospel message. Ultimately, the goal of ministering hope and love is to make a positive impact on the world and bring glory to God.